IC of the Netherlands  – IC of Canada,  Friday June 23 en Saturday June 24 2017

Tennisclub Park Marlot (Waalsdorperlaan 4B, 2244 BL Wassenaar, 070-3242260)


Wednesday June 21 and Thursday June 22

Arrival at Schiphol Amsterdam Airport; pick up and transpNieuw berichtortation to Van der Valk hotel Den Haag Wassenaar  (Zijdeweg 54, 2245 BZ Wassenaar, 070-5119344)


Friday June 23

# 10.00   2 men’s singles; for the IC of the Netherlands will play Hans Adama and Rolf Thung

# 12.30   Lunch at TC Park Marlot

# 14.00   2 men’s doubles

# 15.30   1 ladies’ doubles  and 1 men’s doubles

For the IC of the Netherlands will play: Nora Blom, Carola Muller van Moppes,

Rolf Thung, Marian Laudin, Just Barth, Rob Kuijpers, Hans Bronkhorst, Evert


# 19.00   Drinks and informal dinner at Strandpaviljoen SPORT (Wassenaarseslag 29, 2242 PG Wassenaar   070-5114076)

Saturday June 24

# 10.00                   3 men’s singles

For the IC of the Netherlands will play Marian Laudin, Rob Kuijpers, Just Barth

# 12.30   Lunch at TC Park Marlot

# 14.00   1 ladies’ doubles  and  1 men’s singles

# 15.30                   2 men’s singles

For the IC of the Netherlands will play: Nora Blom, Carola Muller van Moppes,

Rolf Thung, Hans Bronkhorst en Cees Jan Asselbergs

Should there be interest to play doubles among the men, we will improvise to set up matches.

# 19.00   Drinks and official dinner at the Royal Haagsche Golf & Country Club